Critical STEM Education
I am a Professor of Ecology in the Department of Biological Sciences at California State University Stanislaus, where I have been teaching biology, ecology, and environmental science since 2008. As an educator, I work with my colleagues in the CIENCIA program and elsewhere to transform the culture of STEM teaching and learning by challenging dominant paradigms in science. As a biologist, my passion is stream ecology and the natural history of aquatic insects.
BIO I have spent my entire life in northern California, and the people and landscapes of this region have profoundly influenced my academic and professional work. I studied hydrology, geomorphology, and soil science as an undergrad at U.C. Berkeley. I got involved in watershed monitoring while working with great colleagues at the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, got very interested in stream ecology, and went back to U.C. Berkeley for grad school to pursue a Ph.D. in Environmental Science, Policy, and Management. My doctoral research described the influence of landslides and debris flows on riparian vegetation, stream food webs, and salmonid habitat in the Klamath Mountains. I am incredibly grateful to work as an educator at Stan State, in California's San Joaquin Valley, with wonderful students and colleagues. |